Thursday, 24 July 2008

Linux and upgrading your hardware

I've just recently purchased a second hand Dell GX270. Readers will note that I had Ubuntu 8.04 running on a Dell GX240 previously and I was very happy with it. Once I upgraded the RAM to 1.5GB it went very nicely. The GX270 came up at the right price so I grabbed it - a P4 with 3GHz processor, hyperthreading and all the other stuff. It's also in a slight bigger case, so I have a full sized DVD-R/RW in it as well as 2 full sized PCI slots available and best of all - 4 RAM slots on the mainboard! W00t!

Given my inherent lazines and desire to work smart, not hard I pulled the 80GB WD hard disk out of my GX240 and put it straight into the 270. I also threw some extra RAM into it to bring it up to 1.5GB and started it up.

Firstly, I had to enable restricted drivers - this new machine has an NVidia chipset and it wanted drivers. After a little bit of screwing around (basically making it re-detect the display) I have the appropriate resolution now (1680x1050). All up that took about 5 minutes. The next thing I had to do was set my static IP address which was easy and that was it. Completely different hardware, existing install and it's up and running in 10 minutes flat. From bitter experience I know Windows would have barfed on any number things - mainboard, graphics card, network card etc etc.

I'm typing this up on my new PC and it's great - happy days all around. Just another plug for how great Ubuntu is and how great Linux is in general!

Monday, 21 July 2008

The Dawn of a New Time

Have you ever felt a push from the Universe to get moving in a different direction? Everything seems to be going wrong, or difficulties you couldn't foresee become apparent and you have to change direction?

I'm in that zone at the moment. It's a daunting and exciting time and I've learned a lot about myself and how things around me flow as a result. Something I've found that I'd like to share is about doing what interests you. It sounds so basic, but many of us forget that we spend a lot of time at work and a lot of our energy there and if it's being wasted on menial tasks and mindless work then what is really the point to it all?

When I started my job I had targets to achieve - a network to rebuild and systems to deploy to maintain and protect that network. Nearly 2 years on and I've achieved those goals and now I'm tied up in administrivia. I'm really not enjoying it at all. My personal life is suffering too and the relationship between the two is readily apparent. I'm not happy and it's time to change.

The courage to take a major change is not something to scoff at. Give up all that is known and safe and comfortable and go for something unknown, uncertain and unseen? Absolutely! What is there to lose? Nothing! The Universe, or God will look after you. Go with what you truly desire and keep a few things in mind as you go:

  • Always be grateful for what you receive - practising gratitude is a great way to raise your vibration and your profile with the universe
  • Be aware that only good lies before you - sure there will be challenges along the way, but they only make the rewards that much sweeter.
  • Trust yourself and give yourself the best opportunity to go forwards

Adventures with Immich

With the implementation of my Proxmox server it's now time to play with some new applications - and we'll start with Immich, a repla...