Thursday 3 January 2019

Windows 10 Enterprise Eval - gotchas

After an annoying turn of events where my Windows 10 Enterprise USB drive failed, attempts to install Win10 onto a computer failed miserably. I turned to the net and managed to get my hands on Microsoft's Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation. I have an enterprise key so I thought - cool! Here's the opportunity to get it going and to then upgrade the license later. Full install, patched etc and all is swell. Except when I try to upgrade.

I straight up tried changing the licence key only to get a variety of errors, most of which are pertaining to the activation system being unavailable. The I try this: but it doesn't work either.

Next I'll try this:

And if all else fails, in goes the bootable USB I've now created. If only I'd had this in the first instance I would not be writing this note to myself (and to you).

If only I'd found this: first! I might have been able to dodge much of the problem in the initial stages. Learn from my pain :-)

Playing with Proxmox

 Up until recently I've used Hyper-V for most of my virtualisation needs. Hyper-V is a fully integrated Type 1 hypervisor and comes with...