Since my last post, I've tried a bunch of different things with this box. These include: Xenserver with the following virtual machines: Ubuntu Server Windows Home Server 2011 FreeNAS DragonflyBSD Ubuntu Server Linux Mint 13 Having the 2TB mirror has caused many of the problems. FreeNAS simply crashed and used 100% of CPU the as soon as I tried to copy a file. Dragonfly wouldn't install. Ubuntu took 4 days to build a software RAID and then when we had a power failure, the RAID failed to build again. There was a lot of frustration and perhaps a cranky swear word or two. Eventually I decided to follow this route: Installed Linux Mint 13 on the box, set up a software RAID for the large disks, and left the other disks simply as an install disk and an archive disk. moved all the data from my Netgear Stora to the new server I've deployed it to replace my server and my media PC, allowing me to ditch two PCs, one UPS and the Stora. Yes I'm going a bit
Angus Beath's Blog - a jotting down of thoughts, handy to remember things and general BS about the world.