Wednesday 19 September 2012

HTC One X Review

So I have taken possession of my new phone, bidding a fond adieu to my beloved Nokia e72. Originally I was considering getting the One S, not the One X - as a cost thing more than anything else. At any rate, I've chosen the One X on a new plan only marginally more expensive than my previous plan, with slightly more included calls after some excellent selling by an uber efficient sales lass.

Rather than re-type all the specs you can find them here:

Key things to note are are the Quad core 1.5GHz processor, 1GB of RAM and 32GB of storage. The device itself is quite large - much bigger than the iPhone I use for work and it makes the iPhone seem quite a small phone. It makes the e72 even littler by comparison. The speed and the gorgeous screen make up for those slight detractions though. 4.7" Super LCD2 - oh so very bright, clear and lovely to look at. Reviewing photos taken by the 8 mega pixel camera is a joy, and taking photos with the camera has been excellent, apart from a small issue I have where the camera won't focus. After I leave the camera app and come back in a couple of times it seems to come good, but this can be annoying when I'm trying to get a quick action shot.

The phone is light and thin, it easily sits in a top pocket of a business shirt, or in my case, the side pocket of my cargo pants. Sound is clear and vibrant, music sounds great from the little speaker at the back. For the first time I've actually gotten a top of the line phone and now I see what the hype is about. Although the Samsung Galaxy S3 is a very similar beast in size etc, I find the HTC Sense interface to be comfortable and easy to use - I've used it before with my HTC Aria.

The bad aspects of this phone are as follows:

  • the camera focus thing - perhaps this an update or it's something I'm not doing correctly but this irritates the hell out of me
  • the size of this phone renders all my accesories obsolete - which while it's good to buy new stuff means that my old faithful phone case is no longer usable.
  • Facebook doesn't ding on notifications
  • Occasionally I miss the dings of emails etc
  • I can automatically tell it not to receive emails/Facebook updates and the like between a given period. The one thing the Nokia e72 has all over this phone, for me, is that it only checked emails between given time periods. Neither the iPhone 4S I have, or the One X do this - always on email means you either manually have to turn the auto-sync off (which is what I do now) OR put up with email dings throughout the damn night. NO. I like to sleep peacefully, but I also rely on my phone as my alarm clock.
All in all, I'm very pleased with this new device and I recommend that if you want a great Android phone - consider it very seriously!

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