Wednesday, 6 February 2013

OTRS Restore Procedure and backup script

As I note in my previous post, I managed to kill my OTRS install and as usual had to trawl around the net to remember how to restore it. In a nutshell:

# mysql -u root -p
msyql> drop database otrs;
mysql> create database otrs;
mysql> ext
# /opt/otrs/scripts/ -d path_to_backup /opt/otrs

You did back up right?

Nightly I run a script with the following in it:

# Variables below - change these to suit
NOW=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M") # this gets the correct file name for OTRS backup
LOCAL=/root/backup # a local directory for OTRS to backup to
REMOTE="user@backupserver:~/backup/OTRS/" # remote backup dir - nfs share, ftp or cifs
/opt/otrs/scripts/ -d $LOCAL # OTRS internal backup (files and DB)
tar -cf $LOCAL/$NOW.tar $LOCAL/$NOW # creates a file from the OTRS backup folder - more efficient to copy over a network
gzip $LOCAL/$NOW.tar
rm -rf $LOCAL/$NOW # tidy up
scp -r $LOCAL/$NOW.tar.gz $REMOTE # scp to remote directory

You may wish to run this from crontab after copying to /usr/local/bin:

0 20 * * * /usr/local/bin/

This will run at 10pm each night - theoretically you could run it more frequently. OTRS databases will a lot of attachments get quite large though so be mindful of that (I have a couple I manage that are 1GB and are only 5 months old)



  1. Hi, Is there any script for automatic daily restore also? We want our backup OTRS server to be updated daily.

  2. Hi Irini, yes I'd imagine you could use the built in restore command to push the backed up data to your secondary server. I'll put a script together and post it to the site today.



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