Wednesday 6 February 2013

Upgrading OTRS 3.1 to 3.2.1

After noting that our OTRS ( was complaining about a major release update pending I took the plunge this morning and set about upgrading it. Initially I ran through the normal upgrade procedure and couldn't log on. Oops. Maybe I need to pay more attention here? Turns out there are quite a few caveats about this upgrade, and I'm hoping that what I note here will assist you - especially the database upgrade stuff. That was a bit of a surprise!

Initially I ran my normal script which stops services and backs everything up. That script looks like this:

service cron stop
service apache2 stop
NOW=`date +%F`mkdir /root/backup/$NOW
cp -R /opt/otrs/Kernel/ $BDIR
cp -R /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/ $BDIR
cp -R /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config/Files/ $BDIR
cp -R /opt/otrs/var/ $BDIR
/opt/otrs/scripts/ -d $BDIR

Usually I then ln -s otrs-new otrs and run my upgrade script - but something failed along the way. Here is what I found:

Firstly, there are a lot more PERL modules required in 3.2 - these three caught me out:

  • YAML::XS
  • JSON::XS
I added them using aptitude - my OTRS install is on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS ( - easy enough to do and then checked the modules again. If you are following the UPGRADING documentation, you should run:
  • /opt/otrs/bin/
This will tell you what modules you require. I didn't bother with the Oracle or PostgreSQL modules as I'm not using those databases, nor am I interested in the Encode::HanExtra (no Chinese characters). 

Secondly there are database changes to be made. MySQL uses INNODB as the default storage engine. I've never even thought about this before - OTRS had always just run happily without asking me fancy questions about this sort of thing. Now in 9 of the UPGRADING document I had to apply database changes, including changing the default storage engine from INNODB to MyISAM.

Fortunately I stumbled across some nice scripts to do this at - here they are tailored to suit OTRS:

Step 1. Get all the table names from OTRS (you'll have to put in your password and you might have to change root to something more site applicable):
mysql -u root -p -e "SHOW TABLES IN otrs;" | tail -n +2 | xargs -I '{}' echo "ALTER TABLE {} ENGINE=INNODB;" > alter_table.sql

Step 2. Updating all the tables in one go (same as above - password + username update)
perl -p -i -e 's/(search_[a-z_]+ ENGINE=)INNODB/\1MYISAM/g' alter_table.sql 

Step 3. Applying the change to your SQL Database:
mysql -u root -p otrs < alter_table.sql 
Much thanks and kudos to the writers at - this saved me from doing each table by hand! The search_profile table refused to change from INNODB to MyISAM but when I checked the dbupgrade scripts, this particular table isn't mentioned. It did not seem to affect the overall upgrade.

The rest of the upgrade went fairly smoothly. It's important to note, however, that you must go to Admin -> Packages -> Update Online Repository and then upgrade your packages to get better speed from your OTRS install. I found that after I did this, I restarted the apache service (service apache2 restart) and OTRS began humming along quite nicely. I'm still exploring the new features. Enjoy

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